Head office is located at Development House, 10th Floor. Head office oversees the operation of all the Units, through the Regional offices
Kitale Region
Kitale Office
Kitale office co-ordinates all activities of the Units within Kitale to ensure smooth operations.
Veterinary Service: through the office, ADC provides Veterinary service to the farmer. This includes: health, clinical services and disease prevention and control.
ADC Sabwani Farm
ADC Sabwani, A veritable
giant in the field. Acquired
in 1969, Sabwani Farm
boasts a vast expanse
of 2913 hectares (7198
acres) in Trans Nzoia County, Kwanza
sub-county, Endebess constituency,
Endebess ward. Nestled at an altitude
of 1360 meters above sea level, the farm is graced with a mean rainfall of 1034 mm and a temperature range of 10-30 degrees. Its diverse soil composition includes red loam, sandy loam, and black cotton soils, providing
the canvas for a myriad of agricultural wonders. The main enterprises comprises of Dairy, Beef animals and Crops. The farm produces seed maize, seed grass, commercial and seed wheat, alongside the production and maintenance of Pedigree Friesian and Jerseys, Santa Getrudes and Boran crosses.
The complex houses Sabwani Secondary School which has greatly benefited from the farm's Corporate Social Responsibility activities
ADC Nai Farm
Acquired in 1969 from G.P Long, ADC Nai
Farm is a tapestry of agriculture spanning
1578 hectares (3945 acres). Located in
Chepchoina ward, Endebess Subcounty,
Endebess constituency, Trans Nzoia
County, it receives an annual rainfall of
950mm and rests at an altitude of 1869-
1969 meters above sea level. With its red
loamy soils and pockets of black cotton
soils, Nai Farm embodies the spirit of
agricultural diversity.
Nai Farm is located on the slopes of Mt Elgon. It has among its current enterprises; seed maize production, commercial maize, commercial wheat, coffee, leys, bee keeping and Boran cattle; the only stud Boran in the North Rift is kept in the farm.
The Unit also has tree crops; it has expanded its tree nursery with a production of 25,000 seedlings every year. The farm supports the neighbouring community initiatives in environmental conservation.
ADC Katuke Farm
The Unit is a home of Ayrshire breed. The farm grows seed maize, commercial maize and other crops.
In its CSR outreach , the Unit Coordinates vaccination of community cattle from the neighbouring areas.
ADC Japata Farm
The story of ADC Japata Complex,
acquired in 1969 from Pattison Collins,
is one of agricultural excellence. Located
in Trans Nzoia County, Endebess Sub
County, Chepchoina Location, and Ward,
it cultivates Seed Maize, Commercial
Maize, Leys, Coffee, Sugarcane, and
Nuts. It’s a testament to the diversity of
agricultural enterprises thriving within the
ADC Kitale Region.
ADC Japata is located on the slopes of Mt Elgon, close to Kenya - Uganda border. The main enterprises include seed maize, seed wheat, commercial maize and grass seed.
The farm also rears Doper sheep and beef crosses. The unit has established forests on non-arable areas. It also fattens Beef Crosses thus ensuring optimum usage of its land
ADC Namandala Farm
With its acquisition in 1971, ADC
Namandala Complex added another
jewel to the region’s agricultural crown.
Encompassing 1355.7 hectares (3350
acres), this farm is located in Trans Nzoia
County, Kwanza Sub County, Kwanza
constituency, Kapomboi ward. At an altitude of 2026 meters above sea level,
and with a mean rainfall of 1200mm, it’s
a fertile haven for agriculture, blessed
with loamy and black cotton soils, and
an average temperature of 20 degrees
The Unit is a home to pedigree Holstein / Friesian cows. It is also the home of ADC Dairies; proposed dairy milk plant and intensive milk production where high yielder are put on total mixed ration (TMR).
The farm's enterprises revolve around mixed farming activities; Crop production and Dairying. Forage crop is also undertaken to support the Dairy enterprise
ADC Olngatongo Farm
The story of ADC Olngatongo Complex is one of
unity and vision. Originally owned by European settlers Haran Testabourne and John Luck, these three
farms merged in the years 1970-1971 to form the
Olngatongo Complex farm. This colossal farm spans
1923 hectares (4807 acres), with over 90% of the land dedicated
to agriculture. Located in Trans Nzoia County, Endebess subcounty, Endebess ward, off Kitale Endebess road, it sits majestically at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. The farm
enjoys an annual rainfall range of 950-1200 mm and a temperature range of 10-35 degrees. Its soils tell a story of fertility, featuring red alluvial soils, sandy loamy soils, clay soils, black cotton
soils, and murram soils. The Unit breeds Ayrshire cattle. It has an altitude of 1,890 metres and has an average annual rainfall of 1,030 mm. The Unit is a mixed farm with emphasis on Ayrshire and Guernsey dairy cattle. Seed maize and grass seed are also undertaken alongside Commercial maize and wheat. Forage crops is undertaken to support the Dairy Enterprise
ADC Chorlim Farm
The Unit is located on the slopes of Mt. Elgon. Its altitude has made it quite suitable for growing Wheat. The Unit engages in mixed farming activities: Maize seed, wheat seed and specialisation in Dairy Crosses.
The Unit supports Chorlim Primary school in her corporate social Responsibility programmes. The unit also engages in Honey Production and Quarry activities
ADC Suam Orchards
A name inspired by the Suam River, this
farm engages in citrus production and
more. Nestled along the natural boundary
between Kenya and Uganda, ADC Suam
Orchards adds a refreshing dimension to
the region’s agriculture, with its bounty of
citrus and other enterprises
The Unit consists of some 725.6 Hectares (1,793 acres).Approximately 67.8 hectares of this has citrus fruits under an efficient gravity irrigation. ADC Suam is a home of Herefords, Brown Swiss, Charolais and Crosses.
ADC Engineering Services
Established in 1990, ADC Engineering
Services plays a crucial role in supporting ADC farms. From contract services to
machine repairs, transportation, design
and fabrication, this unit is the lifeline of
mechanized farming. It also serves as a
central store for spares, chemicals, and
fertilizer, ensuring that the wheels of agriculture keep turning.
ADC Machinery Pool currently serves as custodian for Heavy Machinery and other Implements. It undertakes all major repairs and maintenance operations in its centralised workshop.
The Unit also undertakes timber activities as well as special repair and fabrication services. The Unit handles maintenance of roads, drainage and cleaning of dams in the farm and bore hole drilling.
Feedmill & Driers
Established in 1981, ADC Feedmill and Driers
have been a cornerstone of Kenyan livestock agriculture. Located just 12 km from Kitale town, this
unit is not just the sole government feed manufacturer in the country but a lifeline for farmers. Initially established to capitalize on maize
from ADC farms and the Kenya Seed
Company, in 2005, it expanded its
services to external farmers. Today,
ADC Feedmill and Driers provide
feeds not only to ADC farms but also
to farmers beyond, sustaining the
nation’s livestock industry. ADC Feedmill is responsible for the Production of Feed requirements of the Dairy Units. The Feedmill has a modern laboratory for own use and Commercial Purposes. A portion of the feeds produced is sold to the farmers
A.I.centre is currently responsible for the Procurement and Storage of semen for all units, In addition the Unit provides Training Services to AI Providers.
The Unit has transformed itself into a referral centre for semen distribution, A.I. training and Embryo transfer. The centre supply semen to private A.I. providers.
ADC Seed Unit
The ADC Seed Unit, a relative newcomer established in 2013, is a guardian of agricultural potential. Situated
within ADC Sabwani Complex, it encompasses research, seed production, processing, and sales. Here, every seed is
nurtured with care, ensuring that farmers
receive not just seeds but the promise of
Livestock Genetics Centre (L.G.C)
The youngest unit within the region, the
Livestock Genetics Centre, emerged
from ADC Sabwani Farm. It boasts a
storied journey, starting construction
in May 2014 and culminating in its official launch in January 2022. Armed with
pioneer bulls, advanced laboratory equipment, and cutting-edge technology, this
center has made its mark in the world of
livestock genetics. Currently, it houses
70 bulls across 12 dairy, beef, and dualpurpose breeds, producing a remarkable
average of 650 doses per week. A true
game-changer, it controls 30% of semen
distribution in the country
Nakuru Region
ADC Molo Potato Project
The Molo Potato project is a Center of Potato Seed Production, Storage and Distribution.A Tissue Culture Lab has been established to aid in rapid multiplication of Seed Potato.
ADC Lanet Feedlot
ADC Lanet feedlot is located in Nakuru county, Bahati Sub County, approximately 18 kilometres from Nakuru town. The farm setup is a mixed farm engaging in both livestock and Agriculture. The farm cultivates maize, potatoes, hay and oats and is located on an altitude of 200 meters above sea level and receives up to 1000 milliliters annually. The farm has a total land acreage of 1500 hectares constituting the grazing and the livestock area .The Unit through a Farm Built Dam has established an Irrigation System where banana plantation has been established.
The unit has all the major Livestock Breeds, It also fattens Pigs. Soon to come is the Hatchery.
ADC Mutara Ranch
ADC Mutara ranch is located in Laikipia District. It is home to the National Boran Stud and has considerable Wildlife numbers.
The Ranch is seeking to be the best Boran breeding production Unit and first choice for Breeders who seek Boran Genetic materials Worldwide sanctuary has been developed to make use of the wildlife.
ADC Enchili Farm
ADC Enchilli farm is located in Tipis, Njoro Subcounty Nakuru County and covers a total area of 800 hectares. ADC Enchilli farm was acquired in 2011. ADC Enchilli farm is a mixed farm engaging in both farm animals and crop cultivation. ADC Enchilli farm core mandate is seed potato production and is the largest government seed potato production farm in Kenya. The farm is located at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, an altitude favorable for potato production. The farm directly employs more than 100 employees directly and more than 10000 employees indirectly especially during the high season
ADC Sirikwa
ADC Ndabibi farm is located in Nakuru county Naivasha Sub county Central location at an altitude of 24000 meters above sea level. The farm covers a total land area of 300 acres divided between 200 acres in Ndabibi A and 100 acres in Ndabibi B with both farms receiving average rainfall. Ndabibi A was acquired in 2018 while Ndabibi B was acquired in 2020. Being a mixed farm the farm has ventured into various enterprises notably commercial maize, potato and beef. The land acreage for each crop is 200 hectares for commercial maize and 20 hectares potatoes with maize being the major crop at the farm. The farm is a hub of opportunities with large grazing land and farming land adding to its favorable weather even as rehabilitation (opening up of more farms) is ongoing. Owing to the virgin nature of the land and its fertility, the farm is grappled with the menace of Sedan grass; a noxious weed which heavily affects maize production. However, through integrated weed management, this has been put into control.
Coast Region
ADC Kiswani Farm
ADC Kiswani is located in the Coastal Belts with the altitude of 15m above sea level and an average rainfall of 1,105mm.
The farm is Fertile and comparatively suitable for Livestock production, especially Beef.The main Enterprise here is Dairy. The farm has specialised in production of Ayrshire - Sahiwal Crosses.
ADC Galana & Kulalu ranches
ADC acquired the ranch in 1989 from the previous owners - Galana Game and Trading Company Limited, who had been running since inception in 1968.
From the time ADC took over, it has concentrated on Beef Ranching and recently Eco-tourism activities have been started to supplement the ranching activities. Ecotourism activities include: Bird shooting, camps, sanctuary.
In addition to breeding its own beef animals, the ranch has been involved in the purchase of steers for fattening from the neighbouring districts.
Work is under way in establishing Galana a disease-free zone for animals destined for export in conjunction with the Ministry of Livestock Development.
Other activities include entering into joint ventures in conservation activities with communities, exploit potential of Natural resources e.g. honey, minerals and establishment of horticultural ventures.
Eco - tourism has been enhanced to increase the income streams of the ranch.
Garissa Irrigation Project
The Project was started in 1978 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The total Project area is 610 acres.
At the moment Agribusiness activities are coordinated from the Unit