ADC Agribusiness Unit started its operations in 2007 to address challenges facing small scale household farmers in terms of obtaining affordable and quality services in land preparations and other farming activities. Besides the above, the Agribusiness Unit offers consultancy services in the Management of farms on advisory basis on prudent and professional farming techniques, management of agriculture machinery, hay, silage making, pasture establishment and training. The Unit initially started as a pilot project in Certain Identified Counties in which farmers had little access to mechanized farming.
In the first year of the implementation the unit earmarked to serve 500 small scale households, using 50 tractors and implement.
The success of the first phase where 2,500 farmers were served encouraged the donors to provide further financial support that enabled the unit to acquire additional 48 tractors and wide range of implements which are assisting the small scale farmers across the Country.
The Unit is focusing on opening up other areas where these services are required and potential, farmers are encouraged to make inquiries about the Agribusiness and FAM services through our Website and other channels of communications.

Objectives of the Agribusiness Unit
- Establishing a model for public – private collaboration to address hunger and poverty reduction through improved and modern mechanized farming techniques.
- Empowering small scale farmers to be self sufficient in food production through affordable and quality mechanized farming techniques. Contributes to the overall growth and food security in the Country as well as long term sustainable development strategies
Output of the Agribusiness Unit
(i) Increased Production and Good Crop Husbandry Practices
Farmers have benefited in terms of improved weed control, better plant population and timely planting through mechanized modern farming methods.
The Unit has also raised the level of awareness to farmers on the use of mechanized methods of food production.
(ii) Increased Food Production
The Unit has enhanced food production in the areas hitherto had relied on subsistence farming.
(iii) Diversification of Farmers income
Agribusiness has made it possible for many small scale farmers to get access to modern equipment of silage and hay making besides other best farming practices increasing milk production. The initiative has enabled many small scale farmers to increase their milk production.
(iv) IDP Resettlement efforts
The Agribusiness Unit has played key role in the resettlement of the Internally Displaced Persons by preparing their land in the areas that the Government had resettled them. This initiative gave them hope of livelihood.
(v) Affordable and Quality Services to Small Scale Farmers
The Agribusiness Unit has and continues to provide affordable competitive and quality services to the target group of small scale farmers across the country.

Impact of the Agribusiness Unit
- Diversification of Farmers income.
- Increased production and productivity.
- Equitable livelihood opportunities and food sufficiency.
- Guaranteed Food Security
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