Our Products

We have a variety of  products on our production line

High quality

With ADC , you can be sure of high quality products, we do not compromise on quality.


Our products undergo inspection and certification by the relevant authorities before being released into the market.


We give our customers affordable prices


Agricultural Development Corporation is the major seed maize grower in the country. The corporation produces over 10 million clean seed maize annually. The Corporation plays varied roles in the development of agriculture in Kenya. As a provider of quality seed to the Kenyan farmer, it is the main seed maize grower in Kenya which is made possible through its large land area in Trans-Nzoia and Nakuru country.

The basic seed obtained from the Kenya Seed Company and other organizations is multiplied and passed back to the seed companies for processing. In facilitating the multiplication of seed, the Corporation plays the role of availing sufficient quantities and good quality seed to the Kenyan farmer. In so doing, it contributes towards poverty reduction efforts and to the national food security.

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The corporation has also introduced bean seed in to the market ;KK-ROSECOCO 194 and ADC MALKIA :KK RED BEAN 16. The two varieties are suitable for medium to high altitude and are tolerant to Anthracnose Rust and common bacterial blight.


ADC is the custodian of livestock studs that ensure continued existence of livestock breeds and the availability of quality stock to Kenyan farmers at affordable prices.


ADC is the custodian of livestock studs that ensure continued existence of livestock breeds and the availability of quality stock to Kenyan farmers at affordable prices.


We not only produce feeds for our in house consumption but for sale through our seed shops and our countrywide distribution network


At our Orchards in Suam, we produce quality citrus fruits


ADC is mandated by  the Act of Parliament Cap 444 to produce and disseminate agricultural inputs which includes crop and livestock seeds.

ADC Semen Production Centre aims at producing quality livestock genetics(with particular emphasis on cattle) to complement local supplies and provide diversity all geared towards increased uptake of AI Services and improved dairy and beef productivity.

To realize  these objectives the Centre is  working  closely with breeding institutions, Product distributors , County Governments and Farmers in bull recruitment, marketing and sales , advisory and extension services.

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